We are available by email to answer questions about the fit, style or availability of an item, to offer styling recommendations, to guide you through the shopping process or to just chat about life. You can also reach us in person or on the phone at our newest retail location in Hudson, NY. Opened in the Spring of 2020, our newest boutique is a welcomed extension of our brand and our growing retail outlets. We look forward to meeting you.
238 Warren St
Hudson, NY 12534
518.821.7154 (text message avail.)
1735 S Santa Fe
Los Angeles, CA 90021
442.285.8187 (text message avail.)
Customer Support Hours
Monday to Friday 10 am-5 pm PST

With its newest outpost in Hudson NY, the indie brand continues to evolve with each season. While continuing to grow and push the market the brand stays true to its DNA and fans, working hard to create show-stopping items you just can’t live without.